How to Organise Your Email Inbox


The average worker receives a whopping 121 emails a day and spends 28% of their time managing their inbox. If you work a standard 9am-5pm working week, that means one full day is dedicated to organising your email!

This isn’t great for productivity and it can be stressful to be confronted with a full inbox every day. It also makes it easier for important emails to become lost amongst junk and endless subscriptions. Luckily, there are plenty of easy, effective ways to organise your email inbox and increase productivity, so see below for our top tips.


Set aside some time to go through your inbox and unsubscribe from unnecessary newsletters or communications. Be ruthless and think about what’s actually useful; if you spend a few seconds every morning deleting an email without even reading it, it’s time to unsubscribe.

Many companies automatically subscribe you to their newsletter when you place an order so you might be signed up to communications you weren’t even aware of.

Update your spam software

Spam software is essential to protect your business from viruses but it can also filter out up to 99% of spam email. Most spam email is harmless but some scammers include malicious links that can infect your computer. Never click on any links included in spam email and upgrade your software to stop emails reaching your inbox in the first place.

Don’t check your inbox as often

This might sound like an odd way to get organised but it’s counterproductive to check your email inbox too often. Instead of checking every five minutes, set aside a dedicated block of time each day to respond to important emails and clear through any junk.

Use folders

How many of us are guilty of storing all emails in one generic inbox? It can be difficult to find what you’re looking for if you have to trawl through thousands of emails, so get into the habit of organising emails into different folders.

The folders will depend on your business and industry, but you could have one folder for important clients, one for order receipts and one for internal communications. Some email hosting providers include features that automatically file messages into the correct folders as they arrive.

Protect your inbox from viruses and unwanted spam with anti-spam software from MailCleaner. Our software solutions offer professional protection against viruses and eliminate up to 99% of spam for a clean, tidy inbox. We offer a range of flexible packages to suit small companies or large corporations, as well as anti-spam solutions for educational or government establishments. For more information about our products or cloud-based solutions, contact us today.